Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation Announced Phase 2 round of Grant Funding 


Greetings fellow Survivors and Adoptees, and extended community members,

Treaty Six Territory, SASKATOON - Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation Announced 2ndround of Grant Funding.

On July 22, 2022 – The Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation (the Foundation) has announced the second round of grant recipients to receive a totalling $3,164,789 million in funding under the Foundation’s 2022 Grant Program.

In April the Foundation made a call for applications from organizations across Canada to apply for the 2022Grants Program.
The 13 Organizations that were selected for the 2022 Grant Program include;

Shkagamik – Kwe Health Centre
Brandon Friendship Centre
Cold Lake Friendship Centre  
Native Friendship Centre Montreal
John Humphrey Centre  
Saskatoon Indian and Metis FC
Tungasuvvingat Inuit
Legacy of Hope
Nenqayni Wellness Centre
Vancouver Aboriginal Health Society
The Circle of Turtle Lodge
 Fraser Valley Aboriginal FC

United Church of Canada and Sixties Scoop Network
I) Bigiwen 60s Scoop Survivors Healing Initiatives
II) Debwewin: (In Our Own Words) –Mapping the 60s Scoop Diaspora

The Phase 2 2022 grant funding program is rooted from the 2021 Pilot Grant Projects.  Funded under the 2022 Grant Program will make direct investments in the health, healing and wellness of Sixties Scoop Survivors, their families, and descendants. 

The Foundation’s Programs Committee , who selected the final recipients, chose proposals that demonstrated direct investment into restoring the health, healing and wellness of Survivors, their families and/or descendants; their capacity to deliver the project in a culturally safe and trauma informed manner; the extent to which their mission aligns with the Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation; and if the funding request fit the scope of proposal .

We are grateful for your continued support of the Foundation and invite you to learn more about our grant recipients as they continue their work contributing to the healing and wellness of our community.   

In the spirit of healing, restoration and solidarity,  gilakas'la, kinanâskomitin, marsee, marsi cho, migwetch, nia;wen, niaut, nakummek, nakirmiik, tshinashkumitin, wela'lin, tiawenhk, wliWni, nakummek, tiniki, LimLimpt, merci, thank you,  

Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation Board Members
Wayne Garnons-Williams, Chair
Selina Legge, Treasurer/Secretary
Eric Phillips, Board Member
Danelle St-Laurent, Board Member
Rochelle Guiboche, Chair of Communications
Pauletta Tremblett, Chair of Programs
Shirley Cardinal, Chair of Human Resources
Michael Christian, Board Member