Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation Announces Inaugural Round of Grant Funding 


Greetings fellow Survivors and Adoptees, and extended community members,

Treaty Six Territory, SASKATOON, December 20, 2021 – The Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation (the Foundation) has announced the first round of grant recipients to receive just over $1 million in funding under the Foundation’s 2021 Pilot Grant Program. Grant recipients will begin to receive approved funds in December 2021.

“We are so happy to announce our first-ever round of grants which will be provided to eight Indigenous organizations across Canada that have shown great commitment to providing support and resources to Indigenous communities,” said Dr. Jacqueline Maurice, CEO of the Foundation. Our mission is to accompany Sixties Scoop Survivors and their descendants along their healing journey, and we are glad to be able to implement this today in a tangible way. Though we are starting on a small scale, we will continue to provide more grant support next year as the Foundation gets off the ground.”

The Foundation sent out invitations to organizations across Canada to apply for the 2021 Pilot Grants Program. The Organizations that were selected for the 2021 Grant Program include:
First Light St. John's Friendship Centre
Native Council of PEI
Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health
Mamarsavik Tungasuuvingat Inuit
De Dwa Da Dehs Nyes Aboriginal Health
Brandon Native Friendship Centre
Saskatoon Indian & Metis Friendship Centre
Vancouver Aboriginal Health Society  

“We are pleased to partner with the Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation to support survivors in building the necessary trust, pride and self-confidence to begin their healing journey in a culturally safe space. We earnestly anticipate journeying with Survivors as they take a wholistic and healthy future perspective in reconnecting to their identity, culture and indigenous way of knowing said Raymond Laliberte, the Executive Director of the Saskatoon Indian & Metis Friendship Center.  

The Foundation Board of Directors, who selected the final recipients, chose proposals that demonstrated direct investment into restoring the health, healing and wellness of Survivors, their families and/or descendants; their capacity to deliver the project in a culturally safe and trauma informed manner; the extent to which their mission aligns with the Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation; and if the funding request fit the scope of proposal.  

“The volunteer unpaid Board of Directors have selected these organizations based on the vital services they provide to Survivors. The intent of the funding is to support and grow these organizations and that their projects serve their local communities in the places they need it most,” said Wayne Garnons-Williams, Chair of the Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation Board. “We hope this funding allows them to see their visions through and create great impact on the healing journeys of Survivors and their descendants.”  

Applicants were required to meet the following selection criteria: they are a registered charity, or another qualified organization listed by Canada Revenue Agency; they serve or seek to serve Sixties Scoop Survivors, their families and/or descendants through existing or new programs and projects; they are Indigenous led, meaning decisions and direction about the organization’s activities are provided by Indigenous peoples.   

“This year’s pilot program begins our legacy of investment into healing and serving Sixties Scoop Survivors across the Nation. The initial grant process will inform the design of future funding streams that will deliver valuable services to those who need them most,” added Dr.  Maurice.   

We are grateful for your continued support of the Foundation and invite you to learn more about our grant recipients as they continue their work contributing to the healing and wellness of our community. 

In the spirit of healing, restoration and solidarity,  gilakas'la, kinanâskomitin, marsee, marsi cho, migwetch, nia;wen, niaut, nakummek, nakirmiik, tshinashkumitin, wela'lin, tiawenhk, wliWni, nakummek, tiniki, LimLimpt, merci, thank you,  

Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation Board Members
Wayne Garnons-Williams, Chair
Ann Watts, Treasurer
Selina Legge, Secretary
Halie Bruce, Board Member
Eric Phillips, Board Member
Danelle St-Laurent, Board Member
Rochelle Lynn Guiboche, Board Member
Pauletta Tremblett, Board Member