Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation 2022 Grant Program - Call for applications


Greetings to all 60 Scoop Survivors, Descendants, and Extended Community Members.

2022 Grant Program - Call for Applications

We are proud to announce the 2022 Grant Program roll out approved at the Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation’s March Board Meeting. Led by Pauletta Tremblett, Program Committee Chair, the Grant roll out will build on the 2021 Pilot Grant and will continue to prioritize Indigenous led organizations with charitable status with a focus on building partnerships and collaboration with organizations that serve Sixties Scoop Survivors.

In order to meet the needs of local organizations serving Sixties Scoop Survivors who do not have charitable status, the SSHF has developed an intermediary agreement to allow qualified donees to be able to take on a project as its own activity and engage a non-qualified donee to carry it out. This agreement will need to be signed and submitted with the application form.

Projects funded under the 2022 Grant Program will make direct investments in the health, healing and wellness of Sixties Scoop Survivors, their families, and descendants.

Sign up for the Foundation’s email list to stay up to date on all funding opportunities and Announcements.

Read more about the 2022 Grant, including eligibility, required materials, and review criteria.2022 Application Guidelines are now available. The deadline to submit your intent to apply by email is May 16, 2022. The deadline to submit your application is May 27th, 2022.

All completed applications and questions directly to:
No later than 9:00 PM/21:00 Eastern Time on Friday, May 27, 2022.

SSHF Callout Package 2022 FINAL.pdfSSHF_Grant_Program_Application_Budget_Template_2022.pdfSSHF_Grant_Program_Application_Form_Template_2022.pdf

Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation Board Members
Wayne Garnons-Williams, Chair
Selina Legge, Treasurer/Secretary
Danelle St-Laurent,  Chair of Communications
Pauletta Tremblett, Chair of Programs
Shirley Cardinal, Chair of Human Resources
Halie Bruce, Board Member
Eric Phillips, Board Member
Rochelle Lynn Guiboche, Board Member

We are grateful for your continued support of the Foundation and invite you to learn more about our grant recipients as they continue their work contributing to the healing and wellness of our community.   

In the spirit of healing, restoration and solidarity,  gilakas'la, kinanâskomitin, marsee, marsi cho, migwetch, nia;wen, niaut, nakummek, nakirmiik, tshinashkumitin, wela'lin, tiawenhk, wliWni, nakummek, tiniki, LimLimpt, merci, thank you,